Museum of Masonic Symbology of Florence MUSMA



Article 1 - Constitution

1.The Franceschini S.A.S. di Cristiano Franceschini e C. with registered office in Florence 50124, Via dell’Orto 7, C.C.I.A.A. Firenze REA n.602796 VAT / Tax Code 06129260482 directs and oversees the exhibition, curatorship, restoration, conservation activities of the Museum of Masonic Symbology in Florence, also called MUSMA with registered logo, reproduced below:

Article 2 - Founders

1. The MUSEUM of Masonic Symbology of Florence MUSMA

is conceived and established on the initiative of Cristiano Franceschini and will be managed by the company Franceschini S.A.S. of Cristiano Franceschini and C., established in partnership with the daughters Annalena, Lavinia and Elisa, in order to allow a temporal continuity of the activity.

Article 3 - Registered office

The MUSEUM of Masonic Symbology of Florence MUSMA
    has its registered office in: Via dell’Orto 7, 50124 Florence.

and is the licensee of the website =

Article 4 - Aims

1. Franceschini S.A.S. it aims to establish and manage

in Florence the "MUSEUM of Masonic Symbology", with the following purposes:

- Enhance the permanent collection, through study, cataloging, restoration, conservation, and the best and usable display of the objects present.

- Acquire further collections, objects, costumes, publications and documentation of any kind and anything else inherent with the exhibition activity related to the application of Masonic symbolism and its documentation and history in general.

- Promote the collection of testimonies and documentation of the production technique of the exhibits, and the art of their production.

- Support the studies, research and initiatives they have

as an object the technique of Masonic art and philosophy;

- Collaborate with public and private institutions and bodies operating within the scope of the MU

- Provide integrated services in the field of teaching, cultural training and education to related study systems.

- Provide services and organize initiatives in the cultural field both for the interest of MUSMA's institutional purposes and on behalf of public or private entities;

- Assume, support and develop all the activities, services and initiatives that can contribute to the achievement of the purposes referred to in the previous points.

2. Franceschini S.A.S. carries out commercial activities of any

gender, provided they are connected to the achievement of the purposes referred to

in paragraph 1 above or those set by the Management.

3. Franceschini S.A.S. can participate in companies that perform in via

instrumental activity aimed at achieving institutional goals.

4. Franceschini S.A.S. will be able to carry out any other related operation

and / or instrumental for the promotion and / or enhancement of art, culture in general and with reference to studies on Masonic topics in particular.

Article 5 - Equity Fund

1. The patrimonial fund of Franceschini S.A.S. it is made up:

a) Share capital duly paid up and subscribed at its constitution

b) Fabrics, books, manuscripts, objects and furnishings owned by the founder / s and granted on loan for display and use, with agreement of possible privileged acquisition.

c) Any other asset or movable or real estate value that reaches Franceschini S.A.S. by purchase, by donation, by bequest, by loan for use.

Article 6 - Management Resources

1. Franceschini S.A.S.

will provide with the following management resources:

a) The income from your business;

b) The proceeds from the management of institutional or related activities and / or services provided to third parties;

c) Any donations, bequests, disbursements from individuals and entities not intended for patrimonial purposes;

d) Contributions from the founder, the state, national and international organizations, local authorities and other public and private bodies, not expressly intended to increase the equity fund;

e) Any other income destined, by its nature, to finance the ordinary management of the activities, as well as the profits from commercial activities.

2. The Founder grants the exhibition and organizational premises to Franceschini S.A.S. on free loan, with a separate duly registered deed.

Article 7 - Founders

- The subjects who promoted the

constitution of Franceschini S.A.S.

- The quality of founder is not transferable.

Article 8 - Bodies of Franceschini S.A.S.

1. The bodies of Franceschini S.A.S .:

a) The Scientific Committee

b) The Director of Franceschini S.A.S.

c) The general partner and administrator

Article 9 - The Scientific Committee

1. The scientific committee is composed of 7 members.

2. The members are appointed by the Director and are chosen among subjects of recognized presin the field of culture and art which, thanks to experience, competence and professionalism, in particular in the sectors of activity of the museum, can effectively contribute to the pursuit of institutional goals.

3. During the first meeting, the committee appoints among its members

members a coordinator who convenes and chairs the committee.

4. The members of the scientific committee remain in office for 3 years and can be renamed.

5. However appointed, to the members of the scientific committee

no compensation is due, except for the reimbursement of expenses.

6. The committee meets ordinarily twice a year,

and in any case whenever the Director requests his opinion.

7. The director of Franceschini S.A.S. will participate, without the right to vote, in the meetings of the scientific committee. and the conservative.

Article 10 - Functions of the Scientific Committee

1. The scientific committee carries out a consultancy activity and collaborates with the Director in defining the programs and the acquisition policy.

2. The scientific committee reports to the Director any activities that differ from the achievement of the objectives indicated in article 4.

3. The Scientific Committee gives a mandatory opinion on:

- The cultural, exhibition and promotion program of the Museum;

- The general acquisition policy;

- Any other matter for which the Director requests his opinion;

- Verification of conditions to ensure correct

conservation of materials in storage and on display.

4. The scientific committee may integrate the programs referred to in paragraph 1 above with new proposals.

Article 11 - The Director of Franceschini S.A.S.

1. The director of Franceschini S.A.S. identifies with the general partner. If appointed with a fixed-term employment relationship, this relationship may be renewed.

2. The appointment is conferred with a majority of 2/3 of the votes of the members of the company.

4. The director has the duties established by the statute e

those to him, possibly, delegated by the scientific committee.

The director is responsible for the smooth running and functioning of the museum.

5. In particular, the director of Franceschini S.A.S .:

a) It ensures the achievement of the objectives set by implementing the programs;

b) He acts as secretary in the meetings of the scientific committee of which he is a member by right;

c) Cooperates in the cultural programming of exhibitions and the promotion of the museum;

d) Provides for the execution, in the matters of its competence,

the deliberations of the scientific committee;

e) Cooperates in the administration of the assets of Franceschini S.A.S.

f) Adopts the personnel management documents and defines the service hours;

g) Prepares the final budget and forecast projects;

h) It reports quarterly to the Founders. The director's reports

are made available to the scientific committee and the founders.

i) Draws up an account of the expenses incurred, to be submitted for approval.

j) In addition to what is specified, he carries out all the acts of ordinary administration relating to management;

Article 12 - Management Office

1. The management office is made up of employees or assigned personnel and assists the director in carrying out his duties.

2. In the office of management there is the figure of the conservator who has the following duties:

a) It is responsible for the conservation and protection of the assets of

owned or entrusted to Franceschini S.A.S .;

b) Provides advice on the use and management of collections and collections;

c) It deals with the ordering, filing, and inventory of materials;

d) Collaborate in the organization of exhibitions, initiatives, conferences;

e) Collaborate in carrying out appraisals on the acquisition of new assets;

f) Participates in the dissemination and promotion of the heritage of Franceschini S.A.S.

Article 13 - The Final Budget

1. The final balance of Franceschini S.A.S. is made up of

documents required by the other regulations in force on fiscal and fiscal matters.

2. In the event that, due to unforeseeable and extraordinary events, the final financial statements show a loss, the same must be compulsorily covered with the provisions of the following financial years.

3. Franceschini S.A.S. may prepare separate accounting for

the commercial activity carried out.

Article 14 - The Budget

1. The budget, consisting of the income statement, the plan referred to in the next fourth paragraph, the director's report, contains an indication of the economic and financial planning lines for the following year, taking into account the opinion of the scientific committee is

management performance.

2. The budget must be drawn up in overall financial balance.

3. The budget must indicate the total amount of contributions to ordinary management to be paid. Dto the founders.

4. In order to maintain the financial balance of the financial statements within the limits of the original provisions and in particular within the limits of the contributions of the founders, Franceschini S.A.S. operates a quarterly monitoring. In the event that the quarterly monitoring provides for the possibility of the occurrence of situations of budget imbalance, the Director must immediately inform the founders in order to adopt the necessary measures to rebalance the management situation and to keep the needs within the limits of the contributions.

5. If it becomes necessary to meet new charges for initiatives not previously included in the annual program, as long as they are authorized by the Scientific Committee and the administrator, the costs will be incurred according to the financial coverage received.

6. The balance sheet and the income statement for the following year are approved by October 30th and sent to the founders by November 15th of each year.


1. Franceschini S.A.S. it is established without limits of duration. Yes

extinguishes when the purpose has been achieved or has become impossible or of little use or if the assets and / or resources necessary for day-to-day management become insufficient and in general when the causes of

extinction or dissolution provided for by law.

2. In the event of extinction, the residual assets owned by the SAS will be devolved in the manner prescribed by law.

Article 16 - Transitional and final provisions

1. For anything not provided for in this statute, the rules of the Civil Code, of the law, and the regulations on museums and collateral activities apply.


Giancarlo Maiani = Lega It. Diritti Umani Roma, Segretario Ist. Studi L.Salvini Firenze

Gilbert Levy = President Université Méditerranéenne René Cassin -  Nice -

Edouard Mancini =Ancien Grand Chancelier du Grand Orient de Suisse,   Genève

Doct. Marlène Meimoun Saffar = Presidente Fondatrice du Collège Intercurturel de Dialogue des Civilisation, Parigi   (Presidente d'onore fondatrice Pr. Jean Dausset, Prix Nobel)   Parigi

Sig.ra Montserrat Serra = G.L.S.Espanola Università di Storia, Generalitat de Catalunya  Barcellona.

Comm. Riccardo Romeo Jasinski = Cultore di Storia della Croce Rossa, Croce Rossa Italiana. Firenze
Franki Grilli , Garante d’amicizia G.O.Belgio –G.L.Italia A.L.A.M.  Bruxelles

Alberto Barbero  = Vice Presidente Assokipling, Giornalista  Firenze